Case Information

Bankruptcy Name: 1Point Solutions, LLC
Case Number: 06-05400
Chapter: 11 (Involuntary)
Date Filed: September 26, 2006

Bankruptcy Name: Barry R. Stokes, Individually
Case Number: 06-05898
Chapter: 11 (Voluntary; Administratively Consolidated with 06-05400)
Date Filed: October 13, 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

12/16/2006 - Auction of Real and Personal Property of Barry Stokes

744 Blakemore Road, Dickson, TN

Auction set for 10:00 a.m., December 16, 2006

Barry Stokes home in Dickson and its contents will be sold Saturday, December 16, 2006, at bankruptcy auction. According to the Dickson County Tax Assessor the house is on a one-acre lot. It is 1,464 square feet of living area, 872 square feet of basement space and an interior garage with 520 square feet. The total square footage is 2,856. The house is fully furnished and everything must go.

There is not sufficient space in the house to conduct the sale indoors. A tent will be erected in the backyard for the personal property sale.

This sale will also be conducted by Bill Colson Auction & Realty Co. Additional information, photographs, etc., will be posted at