Case Information

Bankruptcy Name: 1Point Solutions, LLC
Case Number: 06-05400
Chapter: 11 (Involuntary)
Date Filed: September 26, 2006

Bankruptcy Name: Barry R. Stokes, Individually
Case Number: 06-05898
Chapter: 11 (Voluntary; Administratively Consolidated with 06-05400)
Date Filed: October 13, 2006

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Commercial Crime and Errors and Omission Policies

The Hartford Commercial Crime Insurance Policy has been uploaded to the site; the policy term is 5/21/06 - 5/21/07.

The Federal Insurance Company E & O Insurance Policy has been uploaded to the site; the policy term ends 11/30/2006.

These are two insurance policies located by the Trustee in the records of 1Point. They are still in force.

We receive notifications daily from the insurance company telling us claims are being made against these policies. We are displaying them here so that everyone, rather than just a few, involved in the 1Point/Barry Stokes matters will know about them.