Case Information

Bankruptcy Name: 1Point Solutions, LLC
Case Number: 06-05400
Chapter: 11 (Involuntary)
Date Filed: September 26, 2006

Bankruptcy Name: Barry R. Stokes, Individually
Case Number: 06-05898
Chapter: 11 (Voluntary; Administratively Consolidated with 06-05400)
Date Filed: October 13, 2006

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sale of Flexible Benefits Business and COBRA Administration Business

The flexible benefits accounts, including the HSA, HRA, DCA and FSA business and COBRA administration business of 1Point Solutions, LLC, was sold to Ameriflex, LLC.

If you had a flex benefit account or COBRA account with 1Point Solutions, LLC, your new contact regarding these accounts is:

Kenneth Ives, Regional Sales Manager
303 Fellowship Road
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Toll Free: 888-868-FLEX (3539), Ext. 118

The money you sent to 1Point Solutions, LLC, was comingled in a single account with money from a number of other customers of 1Point. The accounts are frozen, and there are competing claims, so it will take some time to sort things out.

Again, I urge you to file a Proof of Claim. The form is downloadable from this page, and instructions are below.