Case Information

Bankruptcy Name: 1Point Solutions, LLC
Case Number: 06-05400
Chapter: 11 (Involuntary)
Date Filed: September 26, 2006

Bankruptcy Name: Barry R. Stokes, Individually
Case Number: 06-05898
Chapter: 11 (Voluntary; Administratively Consolidated with 06-05400)
Date Filed: October 13, 2006

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

USAO NO. 2006R00368; CASE NO. 3:06-00204

In a letter dated August 25, 2008, from the U.S. State Attorney's Office, to all victims of the criminal case, a plea agreement is contemplated whereby the defendant would plead guilty to various charges.

A copy of the letter can be found here, or at the
U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Tennessee website.

The United States Attorney's Office will host a "town hall" meeting at 11:00 a.m., at the Nashville Public Library, located in downtown Nashville at 615 Church Street, Nashville, Tennessee.

If you are not able to attend the meeting on August 29, 2008, but would still like to comment on the proposed plea agreement, visit the U.S. Attorney's Office website for an e-mail line that will allow you to send an e-mail to the United States Attorney's Office regarding your thoughts about the propsed plea agreement.

8/25/08 Letter from the U.D. Department of Justice

8/26/08 Nashville Post Article

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jury Trial in Criminal Case - U.S. District Court

United States of America v. Barry R. Stokes
U.S. District Court for Middle District of Tennessee-Nashville Division
Criminal Case No. 3:06-00204

The jury trial in the above action is September 9, 2008, at 9:00 a.m.