Case Information

Bankruptcy Name: 1Point Solutions, LLC
Case Number: 06-05400
Chapter: 11 (Involuntary)
Date Filed: September 26, 2006

Bankruptcy Name: Barry R. Stokes, Individually
Case Number: 06-05898
Chapter: 11 (Voluntary; Administratively Consolidated with 06-05400)
Date Filed: October 13, 2006

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing - Free Service - Faster Service

Free - Sign up for electronic notices from the U. S. Bankruptcy Court. Receive notices 24/7 and days faster than through the U.S. Mail. Please visit to find out about this service.

You will need the following information to complete the Noticing Agreement:

1. Noticing delivery choice.
2. Bankruptcy Court districts.
(1Point Solutions, LLC / Barry R. Stokes is in the Middle District of Tennessee - Nashville Division)
3. Email address or fax number where you want to receive your court notices.
4. Contact information.
5. All names that appear on mail previously received from the court.
6. All addresses that appear on mail previously received from the court.
7. Name and address of parent and/or subsidiary companies for a Related Names Evidence of Authority (EOA) agreement.
8. If you are an agent for a company, you need the company's name and address, including the authorizing officer's contact information.